Wednesday 2 March 2016

Reading exercise

3. A nurse hands you this burns outpatient resource. Do the following:
  1. Find (Ctrl-F) the number of times itch, itching, itchy, or itchiness appears.
  2. Write down 2 do’s and 2 don’ts when feeling itchy.
  3. State in your own words 5 steps for bathing.
  4. Write down 3 rules regarding diet.

1.Find (Ctrl-F) the number of times itch, itching, itchy, or itchiness appears

1. Word Itch appears 8 times.
2. Word Itching appears 5 times.
3. Word Itchy appears 2 times.
4. Word Itchiness  appears ones.

2.Write down 2 do’s and 2 don’ts when feeling itchy.

These things you can do when you feel itchy

1. Wash your skin daily with warm water only, as soap may dry the skin and hot
water will wash away body oils.

2. Press a chilled, damp cloth (over the garments) on to the itchy area to reduce the redness.

These things you should not do while itching

1. Do Not Scratch as this will not relieve the itching. Scratching causes blisters
and raw areas over the healing skin.

2. Using a contact media when skin rashes or itchiness.  

3.State in your own words 5 steps for bathing.

  1. Check the temperature of the water.
  2. Do not use soap or shampoo.
  3. Very gently rub the skin with a sponge.
  4. Carefully pat dry with a towel.
  5. Use  a special cream.

4.Write down 3 rules regarding diet.

1. Eat only 3 times per day.
2. Extra snacks may not be needed.
3. Do not indulge in extra sweet and fatty foods.


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